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There are multiple ways to assist the Ref Junkies mission.


Money - All monetary donations are used to support the training and recruitment of new officials.

Time - We are always looking for quality clinicians.  We believe the training and recruitment of new officials is a year round process.  During some events, clinicians receive compensation for their time.

Gear - Any officiating gear still in good condition, we give to new officials to help offset the cost of getting started.

Buy our products!  Our store has a large selection of clothing and other items representing Ref Junkies.  All proceeds from these sales are used to support our cause.

Frank - Donate - Teach - Recruit - Fundraise

Donating: Eric's Money and Gear are good.

Time - Being a Mentor, a Teacher and/or a  Evaluator

Teaching: Being a Clinician and helping teach/train officials today for tomorrow's competitions. Ref Junkies Academy has 4 six weeks training sessions inconjunction with Hoops for Christ Skills League. Ref Junkies also has courts at local AAU events catered to HS and NCAAW levels of instruction.

Evaluator: During the season going to games and evaluating Officials, sending them an email copy of form for their review and study.

Recruit: Sharing what Ref Junkies does and is about. Encouraging those interested in Officiating about the benefits of joining the Officiating Commuity and getting them started in this rewarding profession. This can be done at schools through relationships with AD's and Coaches, off season events/tournaments and on social media by sharing RJA Posts.

 Fundraising: Businesses that compliment or benefit officials, Officials that run a business or are self employed, Businesses wanting to invest in helping the Youth.



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